A Pro's guide to country dancing
You're a professional. You need to earn a living. You can in country! We can help you with questions on rules, routines, and just 'fitting in' in the country dance world. Shoot us an email. We will help you PERSONALLY for free! You can even learn to country dance for free.
Can I build a business in country dancing?
Absolutely. Country has some unique qualities to offer your students. Happy students = good business! Shoot us an email and we will work 1 on 1 to help you get started building a country dance business
How does ProAM work in country vs ballroom?
With a lower cost than ballroom, it makes it more affordable to more people. That makes it a great option if you have 'regular people' not just 'big money' students. Learn 3 reasons you should start a country dance business.
Where do I learn the dances?
Many dances are the same. Country shares, waltz, cha cha, ECS with ballroom. Other dances include WCS, Nightclub, Polka & Triple Two. You already know how to dance, we can provide some direction. Contact us for FREE help or find a Pro near you.
How do I get coaching in country?
Just like any dance form there are expert coaches. They travel and do private lessons and workshop. In many cases they are less expensive than many ballroom pros. Contact us for FREE advice or find a Pro near you.
Build a Country Dance Business!
You're a professional. You need to earn a living. Country dance can be a BIG help. We can help you with rules, routines, and just 'fitting in' in the country dance world. Our help is FREE.
Shoot us an email and our team will personally help you get started!
Brian B

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We love country dancing and want to share that love with you...
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